County Promotes More Precise Storm Surge Maps

NewImage.jpgHillsborough County county has released new storm surge maps, and they’re giving locals a more precise idea of their risks of being hit by the storm surge associated with a hurricane. Tampa Bay Online has the whole story.

As the article reports, Hillsborough County has based the maps on revised models from the National Hurricane Center. The old maps were based on projected surges from 735 hypothetical storms. The new maps used 12,000.

The result is a better estimate of how far inland storm surge or the wall of water a hurricane creates will reach.

“These are the most accurate maps that we ever had,” Wade said.

The county is also doing some promising outreach. Have a look at the photo at the top of the article.

With new hurricane maps, more Tampa Bay residents will evacuate“, Tampa Bay Online

(photo: Isolino)

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