Regulations that prohibit new public infrastructure in hazardous areas keep utilities, roads, fire stations, police stations, and other infrastructure out of areas that will be impassible during storm events and/or will need regular repair. These regulations can also be written to discourage further development in hazardous areas. Communities should plan ahead for future infrastructure needs (e.g., schools, police and fire stations), especially in areas of new growth, to ensure that such infrastructure can be sited in appropriate locations.
- For a (Massachusetts) example of regulations that discourage infrastructure in the floodplain, see the Cape Cod Commission’s Model Bylaw For Effectively Managing Coastal Floodplain Development (PDF, 1.1 MB), which stipulates that no new or expanded non-water dependent infrastructure shall be placed in the coastal high hazard zone.
- This zoning bylaw (PDF, 500 KB) allows roads and driveways only if they are of “minimal legal and practical width where there is no alternative means of access” to an established development. See StormSmart Coasts Fact Sheet 3, A Cape Cod Community Prevents New Residences in Floodplains (PDF, 5.75 MB) for more information.
Know of an example in Florida? Has your community done something that’s helping to keep infrastructure safe? Let us know in the comments!

Notes from the folks at CRS:
“Credit is available where critical facilities are prohibited from the 500-year floodplain.”